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B ইউনিট || 2014

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 y=A sin(kx -ϖt) 
    y =Asin ( Vt - x )
=A cos (ϖt +δ) 
 y = A cos (kx+δ) 
 y=A sin 2 πnx 
in purpose
at purpose
for purpose
on purpose
form purpose
Noboby wants to go there
Everybody like to attend the lecture
Somebody is here
Someone likes to solve the puzzle
Each of them is sloving the mathematical problem
The bottom line
Red letter day
Long in the tooth
Feather in your cap
Drop the hammer
blod , timid
conceal , reveal
ignorance , knowledge
shallow, wide
assmble , disperse
Give attractive information
Should not include reporters point of view concerning the incident
Not to include people's comments
Preaching at the end of the story
Using attractive vocabulary to charm readers
happened to freeze
should freeze
should happen to freeze
should be happened to freeze
to ask somebody to be kind
to give your love to a person
to be a very kind person
to be a person who shows sympathy to others
to have a good mind

